1969 Yamaha R3 'Grand Prix' 350cc twin

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My first riding experiences were in the mid 1960s on a BSA 650cc Lightning that was owned by a friend. 

He taught me the essentials of riding and the bass-ackward controls used on the Brit bikes of the day. 

After I got out of the Army in 1968 I borrowed a Honda 305cc from a friend and proceeded to thrash it thoroughly. 

I rode that little Honda 305 everywhere for several months. 

Finally, I decided to get my own bike, besides John took his Honda back, and I bought a new Riverside (Binelli) 350cc single from Montgomery Wards. 

It was the most miserable bike I could imagine. 

I took it back and got a complete refund within a month.  

A classmate from high school let me ride his Yamaha 180cc twin. 

I liked it enough to go to the local dealer and buy a new 1969 green Yamaha R3 350cc twin. 

It was scary fast and handled better that most of its contemporaries. 

The 2-stroke design was easy to take apart. 

I spent hours tearing it down and tweaking the engine and chassis. 

I ported and polished the intake and exhaust ports and experimented with the timing. 

I ended up with a bike that did the quarter mile in 14.0 seconds flat with a terminal speed of ~100mph at the local drag strip. 

A nasty spill on it in 1970 resulted in a big dent in the tank. 

I decided to paint the entire bike black after I fixed the tank. 

Sadly, I had to sell it to get the money for my new 1972 Yamaha 650cc XS2. 

Here is a few pics of my old 350cc twin. 

The prints are dated Feb 1971, but the film was probably in the camera for quite a while.

Riverside (Binelli) 350  

  1969 Yamaha R3 350cc 2-stroke twin - Mint Green

My R3        The Wild One

               1969 R3 painted black                           I was in my early 20s when this was taken       

A winter ride  r3-ginger.jpg (20477 bytes)        My favorite things 1971

Ginger, the R3 and my '66 Chevy Impala SS

Yahoo        r3-rd.jpg (27443 bytes)   Paul's R5

Pulling a wheelie in front of my house                Wrenching on a R5 350cc twin

Sales flyer for R3 350cc twin